Slim had big dreams since he was a kid. He was given a toy sheriff’s badge and a gun by his Grampa when he was 4, and he was told made up tales of following the trails, sleeping under the stars to the lowing of cattle and howl of coyotes. So, he became a real life, genuine cowboy…
He was born and grew up in Montana: cowboy country, for sure, and he worked the ranches in Montana and Alberta to begin with. But he dreamed of heading south and following the trails. He saw himself in San Antonio or El Paso, like his boyhood heroes.

He had a job cleaning skyscrapers in Dallas for a while, but hated the city and, when he saw an ad for men to help out on a ranch, he headed out into the country. His girlfriend, Adoración, did not come with him.

For years he worked on livestock farms from Texas to Nevada. But with times getting tougher, he was laid off from three cattle ranches in as many years, and his last job was on a ‘dude’ ranch near Galveston. It was definitely time to move on, time to see the big wide world…

He heard there might be work in Britain, so he headed over the Atlantic and followed a lead a distant cousin in service had given him. An estate owned by some Lord Whoknows that might need honest men who can handle livestock and do a days work. Worth a shot…